Saturday 27 May 2017

Oversized shirt and everyday hair

Many people said that my hair is getting nicer lately and well, I kinda agree with that. The secret? It's the haircut.... and a few other things, just read until finish, hmm?

I used to have damaged hair to the point that I didn't need to cut my hair because it keeps breaking messily, even curling it wouldn't make my hair look as good. So, when I got my healthy hair back, I asked my favorite hairdresser, Andreas Zhu to handle my hair, to do whatever with it because I trust him, and voila.

First, I got a nice haircut, letting go all the dry and split ends! And then, he told me to get my root permed in order to give more volume to my flat roots, so be it. Lastly, I got my hair highlighted for more texture and dimension.
PS. About the curl, I actually just curl my hair like how I normally do it, it's really because of the haircut and the styling.

Snapshot bag - Marc Jacobs
Boots - Wittner

Well, you know how much I love oversized T-shirts, it's so versatile you can style it with just everything. One of my favorite thing to do with it, is just to wear it with a pair of shorts and my favorite high heels on, roll the sleeves up and wear a cute sling bag to complete the look. When having holiday overseas, more experiment is a must; I sometimes wear the plain look with my eye candy shoes over plain socks, a pair of thigh high boots will do the trick too, how fun right?


  1. Perfect as always ❤️❤️❤️

    1. Assalamualaikum wrb,
      saya Rahman saputrah, niat saya hanya ingin berbagi kebaikan khusus kepada orang yang mengalami kesusahan,percaya tidak percaya semua kembali pada pembaca postingan saya, awalnya saya seorang pengusaha yang bisa dibilang sukses, tapi banyak yang tidak suka kalau saya sukses,dan akhirnya bisnis saya bangkrut dan saya sempat jadi Pengangguran kurang lebih 1tahun saya punya anak 3 dan masih kecil2,saya sempat putus asa dan tidak tau mau berbuat apa, tapi setiap saya melihat anak saya, Saya merasa kasian, dan kemarin tampa disengaja ada Teman saya memberi saran dia menyarangkan saya untuk menghubungi Mbah Jonoseuh, beliau memberikan bantuan Pesugihan, awalnya sih saya ragu tapi mau nggak mau saya beranikan diri mencoba bantuan dari Mbah Jonoseuh. Dan syukur Alhamdulillah dengan bantuan pesugihan beliau saya sekarang bisa sukses kembali, terimah kasih Mbah. berkat Mbah saya bisa sukses kembali,ini pengalaman pribadi saya khusus bagi teman2 yang sempat baca dan punya masalah silahkan hub Mbah Jonoseuh di nomor 082344445588 dan pasti beliau bisa meringankan semuah permasalahan yang anda hadapi untuk saat ini,
      Jenis Bantuan (Mbah Jonoseuh)
      3. ANGKA TOGEL
      4. PELET
      5. SANTET
      6. UANG GHAIB
      Adapun bagi yang minat
      Minyak (GAHARU) asli indonesia. silakan telpon langsung Mbah Jonoseuh.
      Dan terimah kasih kepada yang punya room ini karna saya sempat berbagi pengalaman dan mudah2han bisa membantu,

  2. look gorgeous as always..
    and lovin' ur bag as well <3

    Mrs. Aa

  3. so nice pics- = ))))


    i invite to me too

  4. you always look beautiful whatever size you wear <3

  5. Thank you for sharing your hair secret!
    Anyway you look so effortlessly stunning in that look <3
    Also, you slayed that thigh high boots, ci Anaz!

    Vitual hi-five from Tokyo,



  7. love this look

    lots of love,
    Anak Super

  8. Ka anaz, love your curly hair!

    Have you shared the way you curl ur daily hair-dressing?

    Absolutely gonna watch :)

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