Saturday 1 February 2014

MBFW Stockholm with Oriflame - Part 1

Hi guys, I'm now back in Paris and I know you guys have been waiting for my update, so here are some photos of my trip to MBFW Stockholm with Oriflame Indonesia and (thank you so so much for the opportunity). Anyway, I'm so sorry I have to make it into two parts since there are too many photos to share. Oh and just in case you didn't know, Oriflame is one of the main sponsors for MBFW Stockholm ;)

Reached Stockholm in the late afternoon on January 27 and right after being transfered to the hotel, I went straight to unpack my things and get ready to attend Valerie Aflalo F/W 2014 that was located at Berns. Scroll down to see some of the pieces that caught my eyes.

Silver, gold, glitters and lace! The things that I noticed the most from the collection and I really couldn't take my eyes off the black lace top up there, it is such a gorgeous piece. The looks towards the end of the show are definitely my favorite. And if you noticed, what a stunning make up and hair-do done by the Oriflame team I must say, bravo!

The designer herself, Valerie Aflalo.

Highlight of the night, meeting the super nice and beautiful Elin Kling who is now the Global Ambassador of Oriflame's The One Collective.

Blouse - Zara
Dolly rose - Charlotte Olympia
Book clutch - Enpens

Went back to the hotel after the show and were surprised by the treat from Oriflame, here are some of the newest The ONE products that will launch around next month, I couldn't be more happier to be one of the few people who got the chance to try these products beforehand.

The ONE illuskin foundation
The ONE powershine volumeblast mascara
The ONE powershine lipstick
The ONE colour impact cream eye shadow

You'll soon get to know these products better on my blog as I will be updating about them here only on Brown Platform, so stay tuned ;)

On the next day, we went to visit the Oriflame Head Office in Stockholm and had a chance to know better about The ONE products and the secrets behind it, from the idea to final product. Believe me it was such a fun experience knowing more about beauty and make up.

To be continued ;)


  1. envy you sooo much! i always wanted to make my own lipstick *.* anw, i love your skirt:)<3


  2. OMG i love the clothes on 3 and 4 pictures <3<3
    You're so lucky ci ! Can't wait for the next post, i've been spying ur instagram (lol) and all ur activities in stockholm look very fun ! Really can't wait!! ;)

    Titany Shintamurti

  3. awesome collection <3
    adorable outfit you wore, totally love the skirt and clutch :)
    can't wait for the second post!

    Diary of a Dreamer

  4. You're so lucky kak Anas! I'm enjoying reading your post, thanks for sharing :) Can't wait for the other part.

  5. Love your skirt in the first outfit and the entire last outfit is amazing. Can't wait to see more of the shots you took.

  6. cute pics;DD


  7. I really like your rose skirt. That's pretty nice! And I swore that you're so lucky! I love your outfit

  8. I really love the clothes on the picture 6, that jacket is awesome!

  9. The floral skirt you are wearing is so gorgeous!

  10. I will always love that clutch! I have already emailed enpens :)
    You are so pretty (as always)


  11. I am using Oriflame and I am Fimela's reader, realy proud reading this :)

  12. Love the book clutch and your outfit, amazing collection too <3

  13. I love your skirt :D is look stunning !

  14. you are so gorgeous. And you got an amazing chance in fashion's world

  15. love your dark roses skirt !!

  16. love the skirt<3

  17. love the skirt :) Gorgeous lady !

  18. pretty skirt! seems so fun learning in the lab xx

    Letters To Juliet

  19. really really love your skirt and clutch...
    so damn cute <3 <3 <3

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